Social Stories

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Going to the Park

Share this social story with your child to prepare them for all the safe fun they are going to have at the park this summer!

Going to the Park If the weather is nice, we might go to the park!
Before we go to the park, I put on sunscreen to enjoy the outdoors safely. Playing at the park is so much fun.
I can play on the:
- Monkey bars
- Slide
- Swings
- Seesaw
There might be other children at the park that I can ask to play with.
I will let the adults I came with know I am playing with the other children.
We might play:
- Hide and seek
- In the sandbox
- At the jungle gym
If I get thirsty while playing, I can ask the adults I came with to help me drink water from the fountain or give me a water bottle. Staying hydrated while playing in the sun means I can play longer without getting tired. When I am at the park, I will make sure I can see the adults I came with, and they can see me while I play.
I will play in the park area and won't leave unless I am with the adults I came with.Download Now!

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